Featured Articles
5 Reasons to Study Computer Science in Switzerland if You’re Passionate About Cybersecurity
Whether a company wants to safely store their data or an individual is worried about their personal information online, cybersecurity is an important...
Why You Should Pursue an MA in Migration, Climate Change & Environment in 2022
Migration and climate change are two of the most prevalent forces in our world today. The movement of people and the state of our environment have...
Planning to Study in Geneva and Start Your Adventure? Discover Insights from Webster Geneva Study Abroad Students
Studying abroad can be a transformative experience, introducing you to new cultures, friends, places, and opportunities. These experiences have the...
3 Great Reasons to Study Media in Switzerland
Students in a Media Studies program have the opportunity to work with different types of platforms, developing essential skills in oral, visual, and...
How Our Computer Science Degree Prepares Students for Careers in the Field
It may come as no surprise that the tech industry is booming in today’s economy, with countless new opportunities opening up for skilled...
How Webster LEADS Helps You Build Key Leadership Skills When You Study Abroad in Geneva
In the modern world, effective leadership is more important than ever. The ability to collaborate with others and make informed decisions is...